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Jane Monica-Jones is Australia's leading Financial Therapist and Trauma Informed Financial Wellbeing Specialist and co-founder of the Financial Wellbeing Company


She is a pioneer in the study of the psychological and behavioural challenges with money and financial management practices, such as gambling, overt financial risk, retail therapy, overspending and underearning. She has a passion for this sometimes challenging subject and works compassionately with clients and employees of organisations to repair this relationship.


Jane is the author The Billionaire Buddha a culmination of her work, study and research in the field of Financial Therapy and of the Money Mental Health Cards series. Jane is the host of Financial Therapy, a podcast dedicated to the promotion and facilitation of economic empowerment for all. Also check out Financial Wellbeing for all her financial literacy, financial capability and economic empowerment trainings.


Jane is also a Path Retreats Facilitator. 


Jane is an inspiring and compassionate speaker and teacher, with a breadth of knowledge on the human condition. Jane speaks from her heart sharing her knowledge and wisdom with profound insight, passion & plenty of humour thrown in. ​She features regularly in the media for her work in financial therapy and financial wellbeing and is often called upon as an expert in Australia and around the world.





Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Practitioner (SEP) 

Somatic Experiencing Institute


Holistic Counsellor & Psychotherapy

​S.I. A.F Italia


Keynote Speaking


  • Trauma's impact on Financial Capability Somatic Experiencing International 2023


  • Anglicare Food & Financial Assistance Annual Conference 2022


  • Mental Health Foundation's Finance and Mental Health Symposium 2021


  • Financial Counsellors Association of NSW FCAN Annual Conference 2021




Financial Counsellors Association of NSW - Affiliate

MHFA Scientific Advisory Committee



The Billionaire Buddha

Money Mental Health Cards

How to Run a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

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Would a client benefit from Financial Therapy?

Often our clients benefit from understanding more about the psychological and behaviour challenges they have with finances. Financial Therapy offers a safe, compassionate and confidential environment to bring about significant change to their over all resiliency, mental health and financial wellbeing.


lf you are a Financial Counsellor, Financial Advisor/Planner or Mental Health Practitioner, please contact me to discuss how I might support your clients. 

Would you benefit from Financial Therapy?

© 2020 by Jane Monica-Jones

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